
Analysing air quality through measurement devices and citizen science for behavioural change


The SOCIO-BEE pilot project in Zaragoza aims to build a stable community of volunteers working together to monitor the city’s air quality.

The collection and analysis of this data, through the technology offered by the project, will provide scientific data and, through the conclusions obtained, will be able to influence the city’s municipal policies on mobility, urban planning.

Additionally, participants will also be able to make decisions based on the scientific evidence they themselves have obtained to influence their daily behaviour.

We will work with teenagers and young people who will test the usefulness of the technology developed by the project by participating in citizen science campaigns where they will measure the quality of the air we breathe in real time. Subsequently, this community will remain open to any person interested in the environment and in improving air quality in Zaragoza’s neighbourhoods.



In January 2024 we will launch an open call for schools and educational centres that want to participate in SOCIO-BEE, carry out citizen science campaigns to learn about the quality of our air and work with the technology of our project.

In addition, if you are passionate about technology and want your activity to have an impact on the city, you can be part of the hive / group of air quality of the city of Zaragoza from January 2024. We will show you the SOCIO-BEE devices and we will be able to work together on solutions to improve the air quality of our city. If you are a researcher, interested in TTN technology and sensorisation, or you just want to participate, come and join us!

Write to us at if you want to participate in these activities from January onwards and visit the project’s website or social media profiles to find out how the project is being set up.


The hypothesis to be probed with the citizen science campaigns: Can the scientific experimentation carried out in schools with the project’s technology help to raise awareness of air quality on yountgsters and teenageers?

Campaigns Objectives:

  1. Facilitate the active participation of young people in the analysis of Zaragoza’s air quality.
  2. Analyse, draw and display conclusions about air quality in Zaragoza.
  3. Facilitate an analysis of air quality after a process of co-creation and community work done by the participants.
  4. Test the improvements done in the technology of the project (software and hardware).


Air quality measurements have started in Maroussi and Zaragoza

Air quality measurements have started in Maroussi and Zaragoza

Pilot activities have started in some of our pilot locations. In the videos below you can see a volunteer in Maroussi, Greece taking a measurement using BETTAIR'S compact field sensor and the SOCIO-BEE app. The pilot in Zaragoza started with a meeting with several volunteers, which were first...

[Zaragoza pilot] First impressions after the alpha testing sessions

[Zaragoza pilot] First impressions after the alpha testing sessions

The alpha testing stage of the Zaragoza pilot has recently ended and all the conclusions have been sended to the tech partners to improve de SOCIO_BEE technologies. Three alpha testing sessions have been carried out by the Zaragoza Pilot coordination team, which have served to get to know the...

[Zaragoza Piot] First activities of alpha testing

[Zaragoza Piot] First activities of alpha testing

The alpha testing team has run three working sesions in Zaragoza with the SOCIO-BEE Technology. During the month of May 2023, the Zaragoza pilot coordination team has been able to work with a reduced group of alpha testers, formed by staff members of the three institutions involved, to put into...





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