The first SOCIO-BEE pilot activities conducted at Municipality of Amaroussion were successfully completed with the creation of 4 Hives, the participation of 26 volunteers and the collection of almost 500 air quality measurements.

The first SOCIO-BEE pilot ietation conducted at Municipality of Amaroussion was split into three concrete stages: the Pre-pilot, the Alpha testing, and the Beta testing, each with specific tasks and activities. The Pre-pilot phase, running from February 15th to June 3rd, 2023, involved designing engagement strategies and all necessary preparatory activities like citizen engagement and training and informative material preparation. The Alpha testing phase, spanning from June 5th to June 15th, 2023, engaged 10 alpha testers from the Municipality of Amaroussion in order to assess the SOCIO-BEE platform’s components and usability, while their feedback was communicated directly to technical partners.

Last but not least, the Beta testing phase, spanning from June 6th to July 24th, 2023, marked the first pilot iteration’s end, engaging 26 volunteers across 4 hives. Participants, mainly Worker Bees, collected air quality data aligned with MRSI’s objectives on various pro-environmental goals related to the SOCIO-BEE project, such as assessing the impact of high-traffic streets on local air quality, comparing air quality in different areas, and investigating the impact of green spaces on air quality. The campaigns carried out during this pilot were:

  • MRSI 1: Focused on estimating air quality near MRSI Townhall and assessing traffic impact on air pollution. This campaign involved 1 Queen Bee and 14 Worker Bees, operating from July 11th to July 13th, 2023, while a total of 30 measurements were collected.
  • MRSI 2: Aimed to collect reliable air pollution data compared to a reference station and explore the impact of green spaces. Activities were carried out by two hives: “Townhall” and “Friends of Forest Syggrou 2”. The “Townhall” hive, consisting of 1 Queen Bee and 6 Worker Bees, operated from June 14th to June 16th, 2023, collecting 84 measurements in close proximity to the Reference Air Quality Station. The “Friends of Forest Syggrou 2” hive, comprising 1 Queen Bee and 6 Worker Bees, conducted multiple experimental campaigns from June 8th to July 24th, 2023. These campaigns explored different locations, leading to 337 measurements that contributed to citizen awareness and to data collection for potential future urban planning interventions.
  • MRSI 3: Spontaneously formed to measure air pollution during a nearby factory fire, showcasing SOCIO-BEE’s adaptability to extreme events. This hive, named “Extreme event,” consisted of 1 Queen Bee and 10 Worker Bees, and operated from July 4th to July 7th, 2023. A total of 32 measurements were collected, empowering citizens to actively engage in citizen science projects even under extreme circumstances.

All these first SOCIO-BEE pilot activities conducted at the Municipality of Amaroussion have provided invaluable insights and experiences which will guide and enhance the future goals and technological advancements of the project. With the successful completion of the Pre-pilot, Alpha testing, and Beta testing phases, along with the active participation of volunteers across multiple campaigns, significant progress has been made in understanding air quality issues and citizen engagement strategies. As we reflect on this pilot iteration, we look forward with enthusiasm to applying these lessons learned in the upcoming second pilot iteration.