We are pleased to announce the launch of the first pilot Iteration of the EU funded project SOCIO-BEE, which aims to inform and raise awareness of citizens on air pollution issues, through their active participation in air quality measurements within the Municipality of Amaroussion. The actions are part of the activities of the European project Socio-Bee (Wearables and droneS fOr CIty Socio-Environmental Observations and BEhavioral ChangE, GA 101037648), which began on September 2021.

The primary objectives of these pilot activities are to inform citizens about air pollution issues and simultaneously educate them on how to collect data about the air pollution levels through small portable air quality sensors. The data collected during the various campaigns will support us in identifying this environmental issue and our contribution to it at individual and collective level, to develop effective strategies to improve air quality and finally to contribute by providing solutions to the environmental challenges we face today. The activities in which we invite citizens to participate in include: a) joining a volunteer group (Beehive), b) jointly developing air quality measurement campaigns and c) collecting air quality data in regions and time slots of their interest.

Considering the value and impact of citizen participation in monitoring and addressing air pollution, we invite all citizens and employees commuting within Municipality of Amaroussion to participate in the SOCIO-BEE project from 1st of April to 15th of July 2023.

For more information and participation registration please contact us at maroussi@socio-bee.eu.