The activities of SOCIO-BEE and its pilots were presented at the international meeting for students and teachers “Primavera Citizen”, held in Zaragoza (Spain) on 12-13 April 2024.

Organised by the citizen science project Melanogaster Catch the Fly! this meeting aims to bring together national and international school citizen scientists, teachers, and student participants in MCTF and from other CS projects, researchers of the European Drosophila Population Genomics Consortium (DrosEU), a scientific consortium that brings together 79 research groups from 29 countries, and expert researchers on citizen science funded by the European Research Council (ERC).

The workshop is specifically dedicated to the exchange of experiences and knowledge between participants in citizen science projects, particularly teachers in formal and non-formal education settings.

The workshop attendees learned first-hand about the technology developed by SOCIO-BEE to monitor air quality, as well as the citizen science and community assembly methodologies – the SOCIO-BEE hives – that the project has developed. The participants, who came from several European countries, shared their teaching experiences in similar projects.